Welcome To Our School

Tauwhare Primary School is a rural state primary school nestled at the foot of the beautiful Scotsman Valley, just 10 – 15 minutes drive from Hamilton, Cambridge or Morrinsville. Although traditionally a farming area, a large number of newly developed rural subdivisions has enhanced Tauwhare School.

To begin the enrolment process - Click Here

The mission of Tauwhare School is to provide a balanced yet challenging education for all students to develop their potential, while providing extra assistance to those who require extension or additional support, by having our own Reading Recovery Teacher, Literacy Extension Teacher and I.T. Specialist. We provide opportunities for during school classes in Guitar, Piano, and Drums to extend and enrich our curriculum.  We also run an Out of School Care Programme before and after school.

A pleasant student environment is engendered by having a policy of zero tolerance to bullying and swearing, and providing exciting school playgrounds to keep children active during school breaks.  We have an Ambassador Team and Sports Leaders who are active in the playground to ensure all children have a happy, fulfilled playground experience.  Great Kiwi rural school traditions such as Calf Club are held every year, giving the students first hand experience with the care of animals, plants and nature.

Click here for our - School Information Booklet

Our School Day

7.30 - Before School Care Programme in Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)

8.30 - Students arrive at school

8.55 - Bell rings for all students to come to class

10.30 - Playtime

10.55 - Bell rings for class

12.30 - Lunch eating time

12.45 - Lunch playtime

1.15 - Bell rings for class 

2.50 - Bus, Walkers, and ASC bell rings

3.00 - Bell rings for the end of the day

3.05 - After School Care (ASC) Programme in Te Manawa (our multi-purpose room)